Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

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When Patience Blooms

by Brenda Darnley Martin I have always been a sentimentalist. I guess this can and has caused me to retain many items long after I even remember where, when, …

3 Must-Read Ebooks on Healing

by Anna Johns We all deal with grief in different ways. Aside from turning to friends and loved ones, many also find solace and comfort in the company of …

Helping Your Child Reset, Refresh, and Prepare for the Days Ahead

by Dana Brown As parents, we want our children to grow up healthy and happy. While we focus on providing for their physical needs like food, shelter, and …


by Caroline Johnson We have a soul at times. No one’s got it non-stop. –Wislawa Szymborska A Great Blue Heron fishes in the forested canal balancing on …

Your Grief Is Not A Problem To Be Solved

by Kelci Jager In the course of human experience, emotions navigate a complex journey, intertwining with moments of joy, sorrow, love, and loss. However, …

Borrowing for Business: How Libraries Can Help You Grow Your Venture

by Patricia Hill Whether you’re a new, up-and-coming or experienced business owner, you need all the help you can get to compete. This means utilizing every …

Diana Raab on Her Book ‘Hummingbird: Messages from My Ancestors’

The Modern History Press has just released award-winning author and poet Diana Raab’s highly anticipated book Hummingbird: Messages from My Ancestors. This …

A Liminal Space

by Kristin Roedell (for Piper: 2013-2022) The new day was never enough, though out my morning window sheep grazed in the tall grass, their legs lost in the low …

Writing to Heal

by Kristin Schultz Writing has been instrumental in my life. I have relied on writing since I was a child. I have used writing as a vehicle to communicate, a …

So She Officially Became Lola Marie

by Brenda Darnley Martin The other day we finally took our dog Lola to a new vet, Dr. D., who, up until five years ago, had been one of our vets for our …

Strawberry Patches – 5 Ways of Describing a Rash

By Jennifer S. I. Origin Stories Growing up, I was informed I was allergic to strawberries. Despite our incongruent relationship, the fruits were a regular …

Thanksgiving Brings Family Opportunity for Gratitude

by Diana Raab Those of you who follow me already know that November is my favorite month; so much of that goes back to my childhood. I grew up in the suburbs …

James and Reginald Bollich on ‘Luck or Miracle’

This Veterans Day, the Modern History Press is proud to present the autobiography of one of the oldest surviving World War II veterans. Luck or Miracle: A …

Navigating Negative Entities and the Power of Smudging with Sage

by Reiki Healing Distance Across civilizations, humans have long been intrigued and sometimes alarmed by the idea of unseen forces influencing our lives. These …

Managing Differences in Parenting Styles: Insights from a Counselor

by Asma Rehman As a counselor, I often see couples struggling with differences in parenting styles. These differences can cause conflict and tension in the …

Anxious No More: Biblical Insights for Overcoming Stress

by Merry Usman In a world characterized by constant challenges and uncertainties, stress and anxiety have become widespread issues. People of faith often turn …

Ellen Lord on Relative Sanity

Over the course of a career spanning three decades, Ellen Lord has immersed herself in working with people suffering from mental health and addiction. Her …

October Brings Me a Happy Furprize

by Diana Raab October 4th is Kindness to Animals Day. While I believe we should be kind to animals each and every day, I will pay extra attention to this …

A Black Hole

by Barn Brand I am among the resurrected I was dead No, not deeply depressed Dead Stainless steel coffin dead Trapped in a sealed tube with panic the only …

Ernest Dempsey’s Screenplay Wins Award at Spotlight Film Festival

Modern History Press author and editor of Recovering the Self Ernest Dempsey has won the award for writing the best mystery/thriller screenplay at the 2023 …

Bob Rich’s Self-Therapy Guide: Population Pressure

Bob Rich’s book From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide is therapy in your pocket. Depression, anxiety, and other forms of suffering are all …

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