Why Alzheimer Clinical Trials Are Key to Advancing Treatment Options
Guest Blog Alzheimer clinical trials play a pivotal role in shaping the future of treatment for this devastating disease. These trials provide an avenue for …
How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain’s Psychology?
by Halya Thakur Alcohol can alter how the brain functions and appears by interfering with the brain’s communication routes. There is an increased risk of …
Can Brain Games Fend Off Mental Decline?
Clive Thompson’s article “Can Video Games Fend Off Mental Decline?” raises the interesting and important question of how to make use of our aging brains …
Is Alpha Brain Really the Best Nootropic Supplement Out There?
Guest Blog Have you heard about smart drugs yet? And did you know that coffee is classified as one of those? If you haven’t figured it out by now, I am …
Brain Injury through the Lens of the Law
by James Lambka At about 30% of all deaths, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the major causes of death and disability in the US (CDC). Every day, 153 …
This is Your Brain on Power
A friend shared an interesting article with me a few weeks ago. The article appears in the current issue of the Atlantic and presents research from the fields …
The Type Of Daydreaming Linked To A Smarter Brain – PsyBlog
Some types of mind wandering may be highly beneficial to our brains, and our futures. Intentional daydreaming is linked to a thicker cortex (a good thing) in …
10 Interesting Facts About Your Nervous System
John Gary Human nervous system is the most complicated system among all systems of our body and considered as an internal electrical wiring of the body. It …
Best 7 Tips for Students to Release Their Stress
by Jenny Richards Stress can affect negatively in the mindset of students ruining their career and life as well. According to a survey, people ageing from 13 …
Recovering from the Long-Term Effects of Automobile Accidents
by Sara Stringer If you’ve ever been in a serious automobile accident, you know that recovery can be challenging. From physical hardships to mounting …
What Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Is and Is Not
by Dr. Jesse Viner of Yellowbrick Many people will blame bad moods and depression this time of year on the lack of sunlight throughout the day. The medical …
What Happens in the Brain When Teens are Bullied
Guest Blogger: Kaylee Wilson Teenage bullying is not really news that’s so new to anybody. We often hear kids and teens alike being bullied in schools. It …
Top Natural Home Remedies for Depression
Guest Blogger: Leo Wyatt Depression is a condition which can strike you almost literally out of the blue – and may follow an upheaval in your life, …
Overcoming Depression – Self Recovery Advice
Guest Blogger: Leo Wyatt Depression is a condition which can sneak up on you suddenly, or develop over time until you reach a point when it becomes almost a …
How to Battle Depression in College
Guest Blogger: Angelita Williams According to NPR, depression is now more common among college students than it was just ten years ago. Additionally, some …
Meditate Daily to Build a Life Full of Energy, Positivity, and Confidence
Guest Blogger: Mily Smith In reality, how many of us take initiatives for self-realization? Time is one of the biggest hindrances in our lives that stops us …
Sleep Your Way to a Healthy Mind
Guest Blogger: Michelle Gordon Many people these days are not just getting enough sleep. Ask people if they are getting enough sleep and most will likely tell …
An introduction to EFT with Tina Craig!
Guest Podcaster: Alan E. Smith As the daughter of EFT creator Gary Craig, Tina helped this popular therapy expand around the world before launching out on her …
Why do we sometimes make wrong decisions?
Learn more at The Evolutionary Glitch
Depression Subtypes – Science or Myth?
by Alfredo Zotti The Black Dog institute is a well-known and somewhat respected Australian organization which provides information, carries out research and …