Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


I’m Awake! Now What – with Dr. Sweta Vikram

In April, RTS had a brief chat with Loving Healing Press author Sweta Srivastava Vikram about her new book The Loss That Binds Us: 108 Tips on Coping with …

Interview with Annie Harmon and Ernest Dempsey on Indie-Clips

Last month, the independent short films website Indie-Clips featured an interview with the duo that made Stinger Scott – the short film about academic fraud …

Craig Harvey reads Float: A Guide to Letting Go

Craig Harvey reads Float: A Guide to Letting go by Aimee Ruland Float: A Guide to Letting Go seeks to encourage children to process their emotions gently and …

Craig Harvey reads Please Explain Anxiety to Me

Craig Harvey reads Please Explain “Anxiety” to Me by Dr. Laurie Zelinger What’s happening to me? This book translates anxiety from the jargon …

Sam Feels Better Now! Read by author Jill Osborne Sam saw something awful and scary! Ms. Carol, a special therapist, will show Sam how to feel better. Children can …

Art Of Seshu Kiran Displayed At Night Dive

Night Dive is a bi-annual art and music night and a premium event at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California. This February, the event displayed …

Let Mountain Air Breathe Fresh Life into Your Recovery Process

Relapsed? Suffering in Silence with Shame? With her newest book Mountain Air: Relapsing and Finding the Way Back…One Breath at a Time, Holli …

Patricia Wellingham-Jones interview

Patricia Wellingham-Jones from Richard Anderson on Vimeo. . Video interview with our own Patricia

Trauma Resolution Center – A Model For Success In Resolving Trauma

Learn about the Teresa Descilo’s Trauma Resolution Center in Miami Florida and how they use Traumatic Incident

Are you ready to take an Imprint Journey?

Author and addictions therapist Liliane Desjardins takes us on a journey to discover where our persistent attitudes and habits come

Why do we sometimes make wrong decisions?

Learn more at The Evolutionary Glitch

My Name is Sandra – Abuse Survivor's Story

Sweta Vikram reading at Brownstone Poets (NYC)

Fighting hunger one person a time

Greatest American Dog to Fight the Hunger in America Remember the winning team of Travis and Presley from the popular reality show Greatest American Dog? Well, …

What's wrong with diagnosing mental disorders?

UPDATE: Tara & Bella – The Odd Couple of Animal Kingdom!

UPDATE: Tara & Bella – The Odd Couple of Animal

Meet RTS author Sweta Vikram!

Camp CADI 2010 – For girls who are suvivors of sexual abuse

Breaking through betrayal and recovering the peace within

Video interview with Diana Raab, author of Healing with Words

Video interview with Diana Raab, breast cancer survivor and author of Healing With Words (Gregory Martel show)

Video Poem: Pieces of Our Mind…

Video Poem: Pieces of Our Minds (#Dementia, #Alzheimer’s Disease, #Hospice, Nursing Homes)

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Recovering The Self is a forum for people to tell their stories. Individual contributors accept complete responsibility for the veracity, accuracy, and non-infringement of their reporting.
Inclusion in Recovering The Self is neither an endorsement nor a confirmation of claims presented within. Sole responsibility lies with individual contributors, not the editor, staff, or management of Recovering The Self Journal.