Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

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What Are the 12 Principles of Recovery?

by Halya Thakur Healing the mind, body, and spirit are all important aspects of the difficult road to addiction recovery. People can navigate this process with …

Unmissable Approaches for Authors to Amplify Their Recognition and Get Seen

Guest Blog Cracking the code to visibility in the field of writing can often feel like navigating a labyrinth. As an aspiring author, a freelance wordsmith, or …

And Soon

by Barn Brand Sadness soaks into my pores from a thunderstorm that never ends A never ending rain, that is drawn to me like a magnet’s invisible pull …

Friendship Fallout: 4 Tips for Dealing with Mutual Friends After a Breakup

Guest Blog Breakups. Aren’t they grand? Along with all the tears, tissues, and moments of despair, you have to drag yourself through the tedious …

Twelve Steps to Paradise

by Paul J. L. Hughes Black smoke clouds encircle a crowd Of revellers stood outside a church hall, Fumigating the wounds of the past, Cigarette ash falls to …

Unique After-School Activity Ideas to Inspire Your Kids

by Isaac Moore Are you looking for after-school activities that will help expand your children’s horizons? Look outside the box! Beyond sports and music …

I Die Daily

by Chris Bunton There’s a verse in the Scriptures which says, “I die daily”. (1 Cor. 15:31) It is a small quote, within the context of a larger concept, …

Craft Words, Collect Checks: Your Guide to Freelance Writing

by Eva Benoit Are you hoping to open a world of opportunities and flexibility as you balance school or transition after graduation? Embarking on a freelance …

The Pregnant Seahorse

by Paul J. L. Hughes See the pregnant seahorse: Over cobbles he leaps and glides, What others throw away so cheaply, He cherishes and stows inside, The Holy …

Lynn McGlothlin Emerick and Ann McGlothlin Weller on ‘Lumberjack’

Lumberjack offers a firsthand account of the white pine era in northern Michigan, the white pine boom of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as …

How Diabetics Can Get a Better Grip of Their Weight

by Chelsea Goddard Diabetes can sometimes seem like a vicious circle. Being overweight can increase the chances of suffering from type 2 diabetes, and if one …

My Hero’s Journey Through Words

by Julie Mariouw I buried words throughout my childhood. I knew it was my only way out. Sometimes I buried words in sentences, but often just in clusters, or …

Sweta Vikram on ‘The Loss That Binds Us’

Grief and loss are inseparable from humanity. Sweta Srivastava Vikram’s new book The Loss That Binds Us: 108 Tips on Coping with Grief and Loss (Loving …

Empowering Faith: Strategies to Support and Strengthen Fellow Christians

by Merry Usman In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, holding onto one’s faith can be challenging. As Christians, we are called to be a …

What Is the Role of Meditation in Addiction Recovery?

by Halya Thakur Programs for the treatment of addiction can benefit from using meditation as a holistic, useful technique for recovery. Although extensive …

What Are the Benefits of Focusing on Rehabilitation?

by Halya Thakur A child, adult, or elderly person undergoing rehabilitation can participate in employment, recreation, and other activities of daily living …

Unearthing the Roots of Stress and Crafting Your Path to Serenity

by Bruce Fletcher In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a familiar companion in our lives, but it’s crucial to identify its sources and …

What Behaviors are Associated with addiction?

by Halya Thakur Addicts exhibit perplexing, annoying, terrifying, and depressing behaviors. Addictive substances have such a powerful pull on people that a lot …

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain’s Psychology?

by Halya Thakur Alcohol can alter how the brain functions and appears by interfering with the brain’s communication routes. There is an increased risk of …

The Shocking Truth behind Low Self-Esteem No One Talks About

by Blaise Ticha Have you ever felt like your own inner voice is straight up bullying you? Putting you down at every chance it gets? That’s author Brené …

Enhancing Financial Stability during Periods of Unemployment

by Lance Cody-Valdez In today’s evolving job market, you may find yourself facing unemployment more often than expected. To navigate this successfully, …

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