Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

Living Your Dreams

How to Set and Achieve Personal Goals

by Elizabeta Kuzevska

Actual achievement in life will only come if we should always aspire to succeed and get the best out of life. When we push ourselves and give all we can, we can achieve our dreams, wishes, and goals.

Performance in life depends on self-discipline and not giving up at the first hurdle you come across. This is what distinguishes the winners from the losers or the wealth from the poor ones.

Many people say they want to excel in everything they do in life, but very few can drive them a little further to reach their goals, and that’s why some of us are successful in life, and others fail. 

How well you achieve your goals is all about how much you want the performance, what it means to you, are you willing to accomplish a little, or are you ready to go all the way and beyond to reach a higher position and be outstanding?

To reach a higher position and be outstanding, you need to set realistic, achievable, and measurable goals.    

Here are some tips on How to set and achieve personal goals.


1) Be extremely precise about what you plan to accomplish.

The first step in setting your goals is to be extremely precise about what you plan to accomplish. 

Your goal must be monitored, and you need a detailed plan about what you plan to accomplish.

You need to make sure it’s observable so it can be monitored, but you also need to put on paper a lot of detail about what you plan to accomplish. 

You can’t say you want to study.

That is not the way it works.

It would be best if you made the plan for everyday studies and put it on the paper. They need to be achievable

How many hours do you need for studies on days?

How much time do you need to repeat the knowledge?

How much time do you need to find materials?

How much time do you need for social activities?

What will you do during the day?

What will motivate you?

What will you do if something unexpected will happen?

What is your plan B?

It materializes when you get detailed about a goal.  

That is why your goal needs to be written down to do so. 

You have to transfer it from your mind to a sheet of paper or a computer.

2) Your goal must mean a lot for you.

To be motivated to fulfill your goal, it must mean a lot to you. If your goal is only specific, you will never tend to accomplish it.

In our example:

You will be motivated more to study to pass the exams if your life is changed on the better when you will finish studying.

If/When you will pass the exams:

You can get a better job,

You can get a better position in the current job,

You can get the promotions,

Your get a salary raise,

You can afford a new house or a better one with a bigger salary,

You will be more motivated to study and pass the exams at the time.

We will always do more to accomplish things that are extremely important to us. 

If those meanings include family, better life, freedom, and love, we won’t give up after repeatedly hitting any stumbling blocks or crashes. 

Take a moment to write down your deep feelings.

It has to be something for which you can compromise everything.

Write down that on a piece of paper or a tablet.

That is one of the process’s most significant moves.

3) Focus on how to achieve your short term goals.

You can plan 10- 20 years, but you must focus on achieving short term goals.

Let us go back to your goal #1.

You made a detailed plan and put it on the paper, tablet, or in the computer

Now you must focus on how to achieve it

You need to go on daily tasks and to finish the planned material for that day.

It is crucial to set achievable goals at the beginning. If your goals are not achievable and realistic in a short period, you will become overloaded. 

When your goals are achievable, you can not only achieve them, but you can also get the enthusiasm of reaching your goal. It’s exciting to accomplish a goal that is hard to reach at the moment, no matter what that goal is. 

4) Your goals have to be relevant to you.

It would help if you believed in your goals. If you don’t think that your life will change for the better with higher education, it will be much more difficult for you to pass the exams and finish your education. 

You need to put on the paper all your core values and beliefs. Then think about your goals.

Are they connected with who you are? Are they associated with everything that you believe in?

Do you believe that you can change your life with your studies, or you want to study because you think educated people have more benefits?

Write down the things that make you into who you are. After that, set relevant goals that are in harmony with what you believe in and value.

5) Your goals have to be time-bound.

It would help if you had a deadline for achieving your goals. Without it, you will never finish them.

You can evaluate the goals and track your progress when goals are time-bound. The more you follow your goals, the more likely you’ll be to finish them. Track them every single day. 

When you fail to track your achievement, it’s easier to ignore important things, and you’re more likely to go back to old patterns and bad habits.

If you track your progress and realize that you can’t accomplish your goals, you can re-adjust your approach. You can notice this only if you evaluate your progress daily. 

Do you really want to change your life, reach a higher position, and be outstanding? If so, adopt better habits and set realistic, achievable, and measurable goals. Set them NOW!  

About the Author

Elizabeta Kuzevska believes that we all need to take care of our health and she encourages everyone to take advantage of the full range of healing resources available to us. Most importantly, she urges everyone to be an active participant in his or her health and well-being in a truly integrative way. Follow her on Twitter at

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