Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


3 Tips for Choosing the Right Career If You are Suffering From Hearing Loss

by Jenny Griffiths

In the not too distant past, many individuals with hearing loss were not permitted to work “regular” jobs for fear they would be constantly messing up orders or asking “what” too much. Today, those suffering from hearing loss are just as likely to work in almost any industry they like.

With advanced technology in hearing aids, many of the leading hearing aid brand for over 70 years, individuals with hearing impairments are found all over the working world. Naturally, there are going to be a few career choices that would not be suited for those without a perfect hearing. A telephone operator, a surgeon, and a pilot may be out of reach as careers, but there are many different types of professions available to those who have mild to moderate hearing loss.

hearing loss

Here are 3 tips for choosing the right career if you are suffering from a hearing loss:

1. Computers

Whether you are working on the actual mechanics of a computer or as a customer service representative, working with computers is ideal for someone with hearing loss. You can communicate with clients and customers through online chats and messages as well as emails. There is no need to talk on the phone. You could also use the video chat option to converse with others.

The only limitation here might be if you have your head down, working on a physical computer and someone asks you a question, you may not hear them. Maintaining and upgrading computer hardware is often a solitary job, and additional education is limited to under two years in most cases.

2. Writer and/or Editor

As a writer or editor, you would be working by yourself, even if you were not working at home but in an office. You could conduct your interviews with the many different online tools like video chats or emails.

As a writer or editor, you would be helping others to tell their story, without having to deal with multiple people on a daily basis. You can also set your own hours for the most part, and this type of work can often be performed from a home office. There is usually no additional schooling required, however, a good grasp of the English language and grammar is a must.

3. Sign Language Interpreter

Not all hearing-impaired persons know ASL or American Sign Language, but it is a skill worth learning. When you have lost some or most of your hearing, you may still have a voice, but lack the hearing to carry on a conversation. Those with complete hearing loss or those born without their hearing, rely on ASL to communicate with others.

As an American Sign Language interpreter, you would accompany those without hearing to various appointments, like the doctor, employment office or bank. You will be their ears and listen to what the contact person is asking of them and then sign that back to your client.

No matter what you like to do, you should follow your heart and make a go of what you want to do. You are only limited by what you think you can’t do because we often become what we think.

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