Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

Beauty and Lifestyle

Revitalize Your Skin with These Easy Steps

by Rea Ragay

If you’re having dull and dry complexion, it’s time to explore ways to regenerate your skin. However, you don’t need to undergo expensive medical procedures in order to improve your complexion. In fact, there are easy steps to help you achieve a revitalized skin.

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How to Revitalize Your Skin

Being confident in your own skin is important. By simply working on your lifestyle habits, you can surely improve your radiance. Consider your daily skincare regimen and diet to completely revitalize your skin.

Here are some helpful tips to regenerate your skin and achieve that healthy, beautiful glow:

  • Reduce alcohol intake. If you drink it in moderation, alcohol has some healthy benefits to the body. But drinking too much can dehydrate your skin. Also, it can make your face look red due to increased blood flow.
  • Eat right. Truth is, everything that happens to your body is because of what you eat. If you eat healthy foods, you’ll become healthy. But if you eat processed and junk foods, then you might gain unhealthy pounds and some ailments.
  • Always include fresh fruits and veggies in your daily diet to improve your skin and maintain a healthy glow. Eat fish, walnuts, salmon and flax seeds to get enough healthy fatty acids. Overall skin health needs fatty acids to increase cell production and collagen.
  • Maintain daily skin regimen. Washing your face in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bedtime is one important skin regimen that everyone should practice. You may also apply an effective serum that is perfect for your skin type to help repair skin’s imperfections. It is best to be used at night as it will be easily absorbed by the skin while you take your beauty sleep.
  • Moisturize regularly. Skin regeneration can be achieved through proper moisturizing. But before that, make sure to exfoliate dead skin cells in order to get effective moisturizing.
  • Take vitamin C every day. Not only good for your health, vitamin C is also beneficial to skin. This antioxidant is rich in nutrients that reduce aging symptoms while brightening the skin. However, you may choose to apply vitamin C topically for more benefits.

The basics of skincare should never be taken for granted. Daily cleansing and proper moisturizing can help revitalize your skin in the highest level. Plus, it’s better to go for natural skincare programs rather than undergoing medical procedures that are sometimes uncertain in terms of results.

About the Author

Rea Ragay is a work at home mom. She loves writing and reading online about health tips.

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