Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


Plastic Surgery Options to Look Young in Your 40s

Posted on by in Aging

by John Gary

As we get older, we begin to see the wrinkles and fine lines along the facial area and understand that we are aging. Most people do not look forward to aging and will work hard to stay fit and trim. However, the signs of old age cannot be stopped and by the time we reach our 40s, we begin to consider plastic surgery options. There are several options available to women and men in their 40s to look younger and feel better about appearance. Below are a few options to consider for plastic surgery.RhinoplastyProfileHump


Perhaps the most common form of plastic surgery among forty year olds is Botox. This procedure is minimally invasive as no cutting is involved. The Botox solution is injected into the skin, usually around the forehead and eye area to smooth out wrinkles. Botox works wonders and can give you a youthful appearance that can last for weeks or months. Continual treatment is needed once the solution wears away.

Eye Lift

As we age, the eyes begin to sag and eyes bags can develop. An eye left will remove the additional skin and bring your eyes back to their former glory. This can make you appear years younger and feel good about your appearance.


A nose job should not be conducted until the bones of the face have stopped growing. This usually takes place around the age of 18 to 20 but most do not have the funds to do the surgery until later on in life. Many 40 year olds will have this procedure conducted to gain a new appearance.


Another common plastic surgery procedure for someone in their 40s is a facelift. This can be done to make you appear rested, and in your 40s the skin is still elastic, making it the perfect time to get your face looking its best. A face lift will take the skin of the face and pull it taught to give you a smooth appearance rather than the wrinkles you see before.

Breast Lift

Once you hit your 40s, it seems as though every part of the body is beginning to sag and move southward. This can especially be said for the breast area. If you have children, you will have even worse sagginess and a breast lift is the best way to remedy the situation. This option is ideal for women in their 40s who are finished having children and want to see their breasts back where they started. With plastic surgery treatment options, you will be able to see the extra skin of the breasts removed and your chest back to its former glory.

Tummy Tuck

Another common plastic surgery is the Tummy Tuck. This can be done for both men and women, but women tend to get the procedure done more often to remove extra skin from having children. A tummy tuck should be completed by a female only after she is done having children. The extra skin and fat are removed to give you a nice taut tummy.

Age Spot Removal

In your 40s, you may begin to see age spots coming up on the hand area. By using pulsed light technology, the age spots can be removed by a plastic surgeon. This treatment may be needed several times but once completed, the age spots will be removed from the hands and you will feel better about your appearance.

These are just a few of the many procedures that can be completed once you hit your 40s. Be sure to consult a physician before conducting any changes of the body and only work with a licensed and registered plastic surgeon.

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