Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


Finding Faith in the Call of the Wild

by Patty Fletcher

Sitting down at my desk after a morning walk and rousing game of tug with my Seeing Eye Dog Guide Blue and a cuttle with my senior cat Prince Edward, I readied myself for the multitude of emails, which would come pouring into my inbox as soon as I opened the app. I knew there were lots of other things needing my attention, such as packing boxes in readiness to move and picking up things I wanted to have out of the way before my part time caregiver came to assist me with cleaning and other tasks I find hard to do due to my blindness and fibromyalgia, but I was so tired from tossing and turning the night before as I wrestled with worries about my pending move I wanted the quietude of my office for a bit before the day truly got underway.

Sipping my coffee and relishing the piece of the morning, I reached above my computer to open the window and let in the fresh breeze which had taken on the slight hint of fall and the sounds of the city waking around me.

Sitting back in my chair and taking a deep breath, I focused on the sounds of night things going to sleep and the awakening of the coming day. Then I heard it. ‘Honk! Honk!’ I sat for a moment processing the sound and leaning forward listened as it came again. ‘Honk!’

“What in the heck?” I asked softly.


“Oh my, I think one of the geese has gotten lost from its gaggle.”

Just then, Blue who had been snoozing at my feet raised his head and stated mightily, “BARK!”

“No! Blue! Leave the poor thing alone. I think it has lost its flock.”

With a huff and puff Blue went back to snoozing at my feet, but once in a while I heard that mournful ‘Honk!’

“Oh! What can I do?” I wondered. “Mother Goddess, please help it find its way?”

Prayer has always been my go-to when I am unsure what to do. I wasn’t exactly certain where the poor thing was, but I knew it was close and it didn’t appear to be moving.

Just as I decided to try and get hold of a neighbor to find out if they could see where the lost bird might be I heard the sound of frantic flapping and honking coming up from just to my left. Suddenly the mournful honking turned into a long loud joyful song and as I listened to it take flight to join its flock. All my concerns over my pending move from my current rental to a new apartment faded away for, I know… there is no part of my life which does not belong to the Goddess. There is no part of my body which does not belong to the Goddess. I am she and she is me. We are one yet we are we.

So mote it be. Blessid Be. Amen.

About the Author

Patty L. Fletcher lives in Kingsport, Tennessee, where she works full time as a Writer with the goal of bridging the great chasm which separates the disAbled from the non-disAbled. She is Also a Social Media Marketing Assistant. To learn more, visit:

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2 thoughts on “Finding Faith in the Call of the Wild”

  1. Patty, this is splendid! I enjoyed this piece very much.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading. I’m trying to get to your link now. I am glad you liked this. Sorry I’m just now replying.

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