Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

Home and Garden

Water Worries: How to Keep a Garden in a Drought

by Noelle Kelly

Gardening in hot, dry conditions does not have to be an exercise in futility. In fact, those wanting to start a garden but who cannot imagine caring for flowers in an environment hostile to the growth of full-bodied flowers do not have to give up on the idea of making their home and yard more appealing. Instead, caring for flowers in drought conditions can be accomplished in a few different ways.

Watering is an obvious solution, and having irrigation supplies is an absolute must when tending to a garden in harsh heat. To tackle the task of tending to this type of garden, invest in irrigation supplies by SunshowerOnline or from any hardware store to ensure your plants are kept moist. However, purchasing a quality irrigation system is only the first step.

Continue reading to learn the various ways to keep your garden alive in a drought.

Know Thy Climate

Australia’s landscape has a mix of both tropical, temperate weather and semi-arid or desert regions. Most of the country experiences dry, desert-like heat while areas in both the south-east and south-west are milder. Once you have determined the climate of your location, find plants that are native to your area. You can try to grow plants that are not necessarily endemic to the environment, but you might find that it is an exercise in futility because the elements are harsh, especially in the drier, desert regions. A better solution is to grow a natural garden where the plants and flowers are native to the region.

Prevent Direct Sunlight

As opposed to planting your garden in a well-lit place, consider moving your garden to a more shaded part of the yard. By growing your flowers in a shaded area, they get the benefit of warmth and sunshine but they avoid getting singed from exposure to desert-like conditions. If you do not have a lot of shading in the yard, consider planting small trees in the area to provide the area with a little shading.

Use Mulch

Mulching with wood or with stone is a great way to retain the moisture in your garden. Mulch usually holds onto moisture because it shields the soil against the sun. Furthermore, when watering, the mulch retains the moisture, which is good for flowers throughout the day. Added benefits to mulching are that it also prevents the growth of weeds, which always make a garden look unattractive, and mulching wards off fungal diseases.

Reduce The Amount Of Fertilizer

Because fertilizer is comprised of salts, it can build up and burn the roots of your plant. Fertilizers are typically used to encourage plant growth, but because conditions are so dry, salts build up and cause problems. To avoid this problem, significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer you use at the onset of the drought season.

Groom Your Garden

Routine grooming of your garden, which includes deadheading and pulling weeds, can prevent the loss of moisture. Deadheading works by redirecting resources to seeds and other areas of the plant, and removing weeds prevents moisture loss due to overgrowth.

Water Your Garden

As opposed to watering daily, give your garden a lot of water a few times a week or on a weekly basis. Giving your plants water every day for a short amount of time does not allow for flowers to take root. In drought conditions, this is not the best idea. Heavy watering a few times a week will help your garden retain moisture and grow roots.

Keeping A Healthy Garden

Drought conditions make gardening very difficult because the climate and conditions are so hostile to growth. However, those who want to grow a garden should consider plants native to the region. Plants native to the region are accustomed to the elements and can be maintained easily, regardless of gardener’s expertise.

About the Author

Noelle is a freelance writer working for a variety of businesses across Australia. With a portfolio of work spanning a plethora of countries, industries and companies, she is always looking to broaden her understanding of the business landscape.

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