Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


5 Ways to Find Out if You Have an Addictive Personality

by Joe Fortunato

A lot of people talk about having addictive personalities, but it’s hard to understand exactly what that phrase means. Try addictionthese five ways to find out if you have an addictive personality. If you do, then you might need treatment to help you make healthy lifestyle choices.

Consider Your Family History

People with addictive personalities usually have family members who share that trait. Some research shows that the children of addicts are eight times more likely to become addicts themselves, compared to children whose parents do not have additions.

Having a family history doesn’t absolutely mean that you will develop an addictive personality, but it’s a red flag that means you should pay close attention to your behaviors.

Think About the Repercussions of Your Behavior

We all know the typical repercussions of over-indulgence. For most people, headaches, stomach problems, and poor judgment during intoxication convinces them to use substances irresponsibly.

If you continue to use drugs and alcohol, even after the repercussions make life more difficult, then you might have an addictive personality that could lead to serious health and life problems. People with addictions usually see repercussions get worse and worse. Instead of simply suffering through a hangover one day, they might become so intoxicated that they miss work and lose their jobs.

If you find that you cannot stop using substances, then you should consider drug and alcohol rehab.

Ask Yourself if You Feel Guilty

People with addictive personalities often feel guilty for indulging their impulses. They wake up after a wild night, feeling hopeless and depressed.

This applies to more than using drugs and alcohol. People with addictive personalities often feel guilty for shopping too much, behaving promiscuously, and gambling even when they don’t have enough money to cover their bets.

Talk to a Counselor

It’s difficult to take a step back and evaluate your lifestyle. Visiting a counselor can put your life in perspective so you can make better decisions.

Counselors can also use diagnostic tools to decide whether you have an addiction, or are at risk of developing an addiction.

Find a counselor near you to get help that your friends, and family might not know how to offer.

Keep a Journal

It’s easy to rationalize unhealthy behaviors, especially when they give you a brief high that makes life seem better. Keeping a journal that logs your ups and downs, though, can show you patterns that you don’t notice in your daily life.

Perhaps you’ve never made a connection between going to a bar, and smoking cigarettes. You might not even realize that smoking makes you feel terrible the following day. Your journal will make cause and effect more obvious. It will also give you a chance to see yourself from an outside perspective.

Many people find that keeping a journal helps them understand their feelings and behaviors. If you write daily, you could find that your compulsions subside.

Do you suspect that you or someone you love has an addictive personality? Which of these tests do you think would motivate them to seek help?

About the Author

Joe Fortunato is a freelance writer from Tampa, Florida. He enjoys learning about new subjects, following his Baltimore Orioles, and traveling the country for fishing. You can find Joe on Twitter at @joey_fort.

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