Journal Info
2012 Editorial Calendar posted
Recovering The Self : A Journal of Hope and Healing is actively seeking submissions of previously unpublished material in the form of informative articles, poetry, artwork, short stories, memoir, film and book reviews, opinion, and commentary. Article lengths are suggested to be from 750 to 2,500 words although we do make exceptions when the situation demands it.
We are tracking the following subject areas with respect to adults, children and elders in America and abroad:
- Personal growth,
- Relationships and family
- Trauma recovery
- Living with disabilities
- Proactive measures to improve health (lifestyle, diet, mind/body)
- Substance abuse recovery, co-dependence, and addiction
- Military veterans’ issues
- The struggle for cultural or gender identity, and
- Bereavement
Submission Details
Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word 2003 format (or something equivalent) with as little formatting as possible. It is not necessary to write a query letter in advance. We do accept work that has appeared before on the web, but generally are not interested in reprinting work that is already published in print. You will receive an email acknowledgment within a few days that your item was received. Please direct all inquiries to
Rights Requested
RTS requests only First English Anthology Rights. That is, we want to be the first anthology to publish a submitted piece of work. We also reserve the right to reprint in a special “Best of Recovering The Self” anthology at an undetermined date. You retain all other rights to your work including the right to self-publish, submit to other journals, and so on. We ask that you abstain from having the article published in another anthology (journal or magazine) within three months of appearing in RTS, but this is not strictly required.
Editorial Deadlines
Deadline | For Issue | Suggested Theme |
Feb 15, 2012 | April 2012 (Vol. IV, No. 2) |
New Beginnings (“How I Started Over”) |
May 15, 2012 | July 2012 (Vol. IV, No. 3) |
Aging & Elders |
Aug 15, 2012 | October 2011 (Vol. IV, No. 4) |
Animals and Healing |
Nov 15, 2012 |
January 2013 (Vol. V, No. 1) |
In general, the submission deadline is 60 days prior to publication.