Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


Dog Ownership Linked to Decreased Heart Risk

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Dog Ownership Linked to Decreased Heart Risk

Loneliness, depression, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, lack of activity, and stress can all put a strain on your health and lead to a weakened heart. Studies have shown that dog owners have a better chance of avoiding these risks that those who don’t have pets in their home.

According to experts in emergency care in the Woodlands, sharing your home with a dog has been shown to raise self-esteem. This alone is a factor in reducing stress. Walking the dog and playing, inside or out, is exercise that benefits the heart, making it stronger and more resistant to a heart attack. Of course, there’s no guarantee that a heart attack won’t occur, but research suggests that owning a dog improves survival.

A dog can pull you out of a bad mood as simply as gazing at you with loving eyes. The unconditional love you get from your pet will offer stress relief, social support and even help you control your blood pressure. Elderly people claim that owning a dog improves their attitude and that they are more satisfied in life.

Even those who take blood pressure medication are prone to spikes caused by tension and stress. It’s easier to deal with stressful situations when you have the social support of a loving dog that is always available to listen to your troubles and distract your mind from worry with his antics. A soothing walk with man’s best friend trotting at your side can put your problems into perspective and help you cope with problematic circumstances.

If you don’t already have a dog in your home but think that you would enjoy the companionship that can reduce health risk, consider the option carefully. There is no health benefit in owning a dog that will be a burden. You must be able to care for the dog properly. If you travel a lot, dog ownership could be a problem.

The dog, like you, needs exercise to matter what the weather is like. Will you be able to walk your companion in cold and snow? Will you be able to clean up muddy paw prints when your pet comes back inside? Can you afford medical care for the new member of your home?

If you are able to care for a dog, you’ll find that just the responsibility of caring for him will remind you just how capable you are. Following a routine for dog care will give your day structure and stave off boredom and depression.

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