Fulfilling Your Dreams
Blazing Your Trail
This article was written for someone who has already begun pursuing their dream. They’ve worked very hard to get to where they are – but they aren’t there, yet. They’ve hit a wall and their opportunities have dried up. Their next step is to make their own opportunity; they must blaze their own trail.
I know all about that scary place where you need to blaze your own trail… I’m in that place right now.
As a writer, I need to grow my readership. I can’t sell books unless people know who I am. I need to find a way to make that happen.
To be honest, I was stumped. This isn’t too unbelievable. One of the scary things about blazing your own trail is… where do you go? You are facing an unmapped landscape. Maybe you are trying to help your business take off. Or maybe you’re trying to reach that next rung in the ladder and you need a little step to get there. Nobody can tell you how because nobody has been there before you.
As a dreamer, you mark off the territory of your dream and it is up to you to make it a reality.
I can help you a little bit, though. I’m learning about blazing my own trail and here are a few lessons I’ve picked up.
1. Make a lot of mistakes.
As crazy as it might sound, mistakes are your best friend right now. You might not know which way is right, but mistakes can tell you which way is wrong! With every mistake you make, you’ll have a better feel for what you should and shouldn’t do. Along with that comes my second tip.
2. Be bold.
Bold actions lead to one of two outcomes. You either find more success than timidity would have ever given you; or you strike out so big that the right way becomes incredibly clear. Timidity never pays off. Any dividends reaped from timidity are too small and any lessons learned are too weak.
Just like it took a bold act on your part to begin pursuing your dream, moving forward requires all the strength you have to proceed just as boldly. To be honest, I can’t think of a single step where boldness isn’t required. So, set your jaw, ready yourself, and take the biggest step you can.
3. Find the path that fits.
One of the most important things in blazing your own trail is in finding a path that works for you. You’re sure to get plenty of advice but the most important thing you can do is make sure any step you take is organic to your dream.
Let me give you an example. Back when I was an actor, I would often work on sets, either by building them or striking them. Knowing about how sets were built helped me understand more about my place in the theater, about the restrictions the physical space put on my role, and it made me a part of the group of people working as a unit to put the show together. Would that have been the same if I had cleaned the toilets? Probably not – unless I was with a theater that needed help keeping up the facility so we could attract a wider audience.
My point here is that you will know when you reflect on your dream and what it might take to make it happen. The decision to pursue your dream was an organic decision; it came directly from you.
And, if you don’t know: Ask. Just because this dream is yours does not mean you have to be cut off from the world around you. Advice can be very helpful but, in the end, you’re the one who decides if it’s useful.
In the coming months, I’ll talk about my own journey as I blaze my own trails. I look forward to talking to you then.
About the Author
Ken La Salle is an author and playwright out of Anaheim, California. His passion is intense humor, meaningful drama, and finding answers to the questions that define our lives. You can find his books on Amazon and Smashwords and all major etailers. His philosophical memoir, Climbing Maya, is available in ebook and paperback. Ken also has a number of audiobooks available on iTunes, Audible, and all major etailers. You can follow Ken’s writing career on his website at www.kenlasalle.com.