Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


10 Reasons to do Your Masters Degree in New Zealand

by John Gary

New Zealand is one of the oldest countries to establish education system. Education system was established in 1870, which is the same as the British system. The education system is split into various levels of education. This includes; universities, Institutes of technology, colleges, polytechnics, and various private training providers

Reasons as to why you should study your masters in New ZealandNew Zealand

  1. It is a country with unique culture

New Zealand is believed to be a home of culture. This is because this country still adopts the traditional education system. Therefore, the students are taught a lot of things that are not incorporated in the new and modern education system.

  1. It has a good natural environment for adventure

This is a great advantage for the students who are interested in flora and fauna. This country is a good preservative of natural resources and therefore, the flora and fauna are well taken care of. There are also a number of indigenous and unique species that attracts a number of students each year.

  1. It is one of the best ranked education systems in the world

The education system in New Zealand is ranked one of the best in the world. Currently, New Zealand is ranked as number 7. In this country, state caters for a certain percentage of the school fees and school is compulsory for all students.

  1. Research is part of learning

Students who have studied in New Zealand can attest to the fact that research in most of the universities in New Zealand helps them to broaden their knowledge. Therefore research is carried out to implement what was learnt in class. This is one of the best methods to help the student remember what the teacher taught in class. If you need to broaden your knowledge, study overseas in New Zealand with

  1. Lower costs of living

When one is looking for an inexpensive country to do the masters degree from, you will not go wrong by choosing New Zealand. This is because the cost of living there is favorable for the students and this will enable them to save a little cash to use after school.

  1. Easy access to accommodation

New Zealand has set various places where the students can stay. There are student halls where the students get to socialize with other students.

  1. Students can work while studying

Students are allowed to work while studying. This helps them use the skills taught in class to in experience in their line of work.

  1. Health insurance cover

Students are given health insurance cover and they are treated for free in case of an emergency or they fall ill.

  1. Sports

Work without play makes Jack a dull boy. New Zealand is well known for the sports activities, therefore in New Zealand, there are a number of sporting activities that students can choose from.

  1. English courses are offered

For the students who would like to learn English courses, they can choose New Zealand because the courses are offered there.

Students willing to study from another country will not go wrong by choosing New Zealand. You can get more information on study in New Zealand.

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