Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

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on how dare we! write: a multicultural creative discourse

Like most of America, the higher up you go in Academia the whiter it gets. With that comes the white privilege of criticism and writing, whether intentional or …

The System I Used to Write 5 Books and Over 1,000 Blog Posts

Most writers struggle with getting their writing done for one surprising reason. They think writing is a one-step process, when in fact, it’s a three-step …

Assessing and Reassessing

Guest Blogger: Ken La Salle Did somebody say 2012? Well, it’s happened. Another year has gone by for you with your dreams, and me with mine. This is the time …

Saying “YES”…

Guest Blogger: Ken La Salle As I begin my “guest blogger” gig for Recovering The Self, I think I can contribute best with what I might call “Recovering …

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Recovering The Self is a forum for people to tell their stories. Individual contributors accept complete responsibility for the veracity, accuracy, and non-infringement of their reporting.
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