Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing

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What Are the 12 Principles of Recovery?

by Halya Thakur Healing the mind, body, and spirit are all important aspects of the difficult road to addiction recovery. People can navigate this process with …

What Is the Role of Meditation in Addiction Recovery?

by Halya Thakur Programs for the treatment of addiction can benefit from using meditation as a holistic, useful technique for recovery. Although extensive …

Importance of Family Support in Recovery

by Brigette Dumas When someone struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the disease of addiction can affect everyone surrounding that person. During …

How to Help a Loved One when They Return from Treatment

by Maurine Anderson Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is quite possibly one of the most difficult trials that a person can face in life, and therefore …

Give Your Family the Greatest Gift This Year – Your Recovery

by Bill Weiss Drug and alcohol addicts are often given a specific stereotype. The truth of the matter is that an addict can be a successful business …

Quitting Cold Turkey: When It Can Be Harmful

by Maurine Anderson Quitting cold turkey—for many who are looking to remove certain habits from their lives, this is the go-to method for eliminating those …

Medications Used for Detox and Recovery

by Sara Stringer One of the prevailing myths about substance recovery and detox is that the process is completely drug-free. That people go into a rehab …

Addiction Recovery: Staying Sober after Treatment

by Sara Stringer Addiction is a serious disease that is associated with life-threatening complications. And, because of the dangers of prolonged substance …

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