Staying Clean: 4 Helpful Tips to Maintaining Your Sobriety
Staying clean is a challenge for many people who are struggling with addiction. The desire to drink or do drugs never fully goes away. Living a clean lifestyle can be confusing for people who are going through recovery for the first time because it is so different from living with an addiction. Four helpful tips will help you maintain sobriety.
1. Avoid People or Situations that Could Cause a Relapse
A very important step is to avoid people or situations that could cause a relapse. These are generally the people or places associated with previous drug or alcohol use. It could also mean avoiding new situations where the urge to relapse is going to be strong. Another tip is to always be prepared to leave social situations if drug or alcohol use begins. Leaving these situations quickly will help to maintain sobriety.
2. Find Constructive Distractions
Some people will start to drink or take drugs because there is nothing else to do. This is often a result of previous addictive habits. The way to fight this urge is to fill free time with constructive distractions. This could be an engaging hobby, exercise or volunteer work. Filling free time with constructive activities can build skills, improve health or help others.
3. Use Professional Support and Recovery Services
The most important part of maintaining sobriety is to use professional support and recovery services. People who have relapsed should consider attending a drug rehab program. A serious relapse could require inpatient care at a quality addiction recovery center. Anyone trying to live independently should attend regular therapy sessions to help cope with the addiction. Professional recovery and rehab services will make staying clean much easier.
4. Maintain a Journal
It is helpful to maintain a journal each day when trying to stay clean. Journals can be used to record thoughts, events, and important discoveries that occur while combating addiction each day. The most important part of a journal is that it puts sobriety in perspective. The journal will show progress over days, weeks, and months. It also provides a way to look back to see how cravings were overcome in previous days.
Part of staying clean is just getting through one hour at a time. It is best to focus on avoiding drugs and alcohol in the moment rather than thinking about a much larger plan. Taking small steps every day while maintaining sobriety will eventually add up to a lifestyle that no longer includes drugs or alcohol.
About the Author
A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica is breaking her way into freelance writing. She has already done articles for a variety of industries, ranging from technology to beauty to health. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with her here.