Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


Pebble in My Shoe

Guest Blogger: Nancy Oelklaus

Journey From Head to Heart: Living and Working AuthenticallyThe pebble I just removed from my shoe is about the size of one Grape Nut. I felt it come in at my heel as I walked around Lady Bird Lake this morning. Near the end of the trail, I didn’t want to stop, so I hoped it would work its way back out. Instead, I felt it drop to my heel, then under my arch, and finally lodge in the fleshy part of my foot, stuck between my foot and my shoe.

Stubbornly, I walked on, drove home, read the morning paper, and then considered whether to empty the dishwasher or water the plants on the deck. I chose first to water the plants because I needed shoes to do it. Once the watering was done, I decided, I could take my shoes off, retrieve the pebble, and empty the dishwasher.

It was then that I realized this pebble was determining my decisions!

Once I attended a spiritual event where we were instructed to choose a pebble to put in our shoe and walk around. I carefully chose one that would fit just under my toes and walked quite comfortably.

But this morning I got the point. Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away. It’s still there, taking up space in our brains and sapping our energy.

The next time I attract a pebble, I’ll stop right then and remove it. Life is easier and simpler that way.

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About the Author

Nancy Oelklaus

Nancy Oelklaus is a personal life coach based in Austin, Texas and the author of Journey From Head to Heart: Living and Working Authentically as well as Alphabet Meditations for Teachers and co-author of Rewriting Life Scripts, with Liliane Desjardins and Irene Watson.

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