Recovering The SelfA Journal of Hope and Healing


Curable Conditions Keeping Us From Looking Our Best

Posted on by in Health

by Sandy Getzky

Certain things in life cannot be changed. There are constants – things with no options, no choices. This article is not fresh lookabout those things. I’m here to hit you with some hard truths about curable conditions which you might be living with right now and thinking: “Whatever, I accept it.”

Don’t get me wrong, imperfections define us and keep this world of ours quite interesting. But certain things are just too easy to take care of and can’t be ignored. Here are my top 3 curable conditions that can keep us from looking our best:

1.  The Red Menace

Just because you’re past the oily days of high school doesn’t mean you can ditch the acne cream. No you are NOT the only adult finding pesky pussers appearing out of practically nowhere. At least when you were young, you expected the pimples.

No one old enough to have a teenager should have to deal with acne.

The secret – the same acne creams you used when you were 15! The formula hasn’t changed so if your skin is just as retro, it is time to re-introduce it to some oil-free acne wash.

2. Lines of Love

Moms, this one’s for you. You give it all and more to your kid. 9 months growing in your body followed by 1000’s of hours of giving and giving and giving. Well, it’s likely that your pregnancy gave you more than just your precious child – I bet it left some… marks. No need to be ashamed; these are signs of womanhood – symbols of the love you came to bare. But these pregnancy stretch marks do not have to be a permanent fixture of your body. Your temple, your rules. Patience and finding a good stretch mark cream will keep you looking your best for both beach weather and intimate nights with your baby’s daddy.

3. Not-So-Mellow Yellow

Beautiful angelic feet, soft and perfect, adorable nails the size of sesame seeds. You had feet like this once. But over 13% of adults will have something quite… distressing… happen to those once model paws. They will become host to a foreign creature – one which will attach itself deep under the nail. And there it will grow over weeks and months turning a nail brown, yellow, or black. Eventually growing large enough to severely distort the host nail and then….

I’ll stop there.

If this sounds like something out of a horror movie, it’s not. This is the story of toenail fungus. A horrible, no good, really quite awful, yet entirely curable condition. Even if you or a loved one has had nail fungus for 50 years, it is always possible to treat it safely. Check out this treatment guide to toenail fungus. It worked for me.

Got other ideas for curable conditions that can keep us from looking our best? Share and let’s discuss in the comments!

About the Author

The author Sandy Getzky is an associate editor at ProveMyMeds, a public health and education startup focused on producing helpful resources concerning the treatment of common ailments.

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